Friday, 21 October 2016

Dyslexic Dom

This is my post about dyslexia, I was 27 when I found out I was dyslexic 
All my life up to that point I thought I was stupid and is not very bright, always told I "could do better" or "must try harder".

After I found out I was dyslexic I spent a year getting over the fact it wasn't discovered earlier,
I was very grumpy and annoyed and I felt I'd wasted my time getting an education but in time I got over that and moved on, since then i've written a dissertation for my uni course (and passed!!) also applied for mastermind (got an audition but not on the show and I'm thrilled I got that far!) taken part in many quizzes local and otherwise coming within the top three each time give or take.

I've struggled with trying to start a blog because of my dyslexia, worried I'll be judged on my spelling and grammar because people get so angry when others get there, their and they're muddled up to me it's a very small and petty thing to get wound up over but to others you are an "idiot" if you don't understand it, I know I'm not an idiot it just doesn't go in the brain and stay and I doubt it ever will but "I must try harder" (Re - never going to happen) 

Discovering I was dyslexic really explained why I was scatty, not good with my timekeeping and really badly organised now I know the cause I can tackle them better without worry that "it's me being stupid" it's not it's how my brain is wired it's such a lovely feeling to know it's "just how I am".

I'm hoping to continue to blog, maybe even vlog (if my editing skills get better because I'm such an entertainer!)  but for now a couple of posts week, we can do this! 

Thank you for reading my post, please do comment or tweet me (@maysiebug) if you wish to discuss this further with me 
I would like to thank team blogtacular and Crafts from the Cwtch (Sarah Knight) for the wee push for me to get this blog out there and written in the first place! 


Miss Double Dom

My handwriting has always been "terrible" but that was "my fault" now I know otherwise 
Plus yay! Dominic Howard gave this dyslexic a drumstick!


  1. Yay!!!! Good for you! I'm so glad you're not letting your dyslexia hold you back. Go for it!

    1. Thank you so much for your tips and encouragement! It helped I dictated most of it via my iPad! (Adjusted spellings and commas etc) thinking of more ideas for other blogs!

  2. That is a great start and I look forward to the next installment. Well done. More than 99 percent of the population wouldn't have the guts to apply for Mastermind so that just goes to show that there is much much more to life than spelling and grammar. X

    1. Thank you! A few of my pals have told me to write my stories down and to review the TOTP 80's repeats on bbc four so who knows what I may blog about next! And thanks still bowled over I got that far! Really never expected it!

  3. That is a great start and I look forward to the next installment. Well done. More than 99 percent of the population wouldn't have the guts to apply for Mastermind so that just goes to show that there is much much more to life than spelling and grammar. X
